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Active sourcing

Diversify your
sourcing strategy

Take an active sourcing approach to ensure you get as many eyes as possible on your next job opening.

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sourcing for applicants using workstream
Built for the hourly workforce

Attract the right applicant, not just any applicant

Workstream's active sourcing features—like text-to-apply—are 5x more effective than job boards at converting an applicant into a new hire.

phone with text message icon


Applicants apply in seconds by texting a unique code to your business.

QR codes icon

QR codes

Applicants can scan a QR code to easily apply for a role right from their phone.

hiring posters icon

Hiring posters

Customize and design hiring posters to display in your business or community.

referrals icon


Build a program that tracks and incentivizes existing workers to refer friends and family.

career pages icon

Career pages

Build search engine optimized branded career pages that host all of your job openings. No web development needed.

job boards icon

Job boards

Automatically post and sponsor to top job boards such as Indeed.

social media icon

Social media

Share your job postings or career pages easily to your social media platforms.

applicant pool icon

Applicant pool

Re-engage past applicants without spending additional sourcing dollars.

Don't overlook any form of getting the word out about hiring. Workstream has QR codes, texting, in-theater signs, and online posting to job boards. If you're just sticking to one form, go ahead and sell your business, because you're not going to be able to stay in business.

Donald Terry
Vice President - Operations Administrator, Malco Theaters

Explore workstream
self scheduling in workstream

Self Scheduling

Enable applicants to schedule their own interviews in minutes.

Smart Screening

Smart Screening

Hire faster by automatically screening out unqualified applicants.

Multilingual Hiring

Multilingual Hiring

Enable Spanish hiring and automatic translations to attract more applicants.

Be smart with your hourly workforce

Book a demo